Choosing an Allergy test or Intolerance test
Making the choice to understand your suspected allergy or intolerance symptoms is the first step to better health and wellness. if you can better understand the possible signs your body is showing before your test will help you decide which test is best for you.
It is essential to know the differences between and allergy and Intolerances/Sensitivities and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our 24/7 customer service team.
Do I need an allergy test or an intolerance test?
The common questions and situations below will help guide you to the best test to understand symptoms:
Are most of your symptoms presenting immediately?
Immediate and acute presenting symptoms are more likely to be evidence of an allergy (IgE). If you are experiencing extreme reactions including loss of consciousness, breathing problems, or suspected anaphylaxis you should seek immediate medical attention.
Are symptoms digestion related?
A large number of food intolerances/sensitivities present symptoms like digestive issues such as bloating, loose stools or IBS. Many clients find that the intolerance tests and an elimination diet help them prevent or reduce symptoms.
Do the presenting symptoms slowly appear over a period of time?
Intolerances or sensitivities, expecially food related, usually present after a longer period of time and are usually less severe than an allergy.
Do you have visible inflammation?
Inflammation after contact with a trigger item(s) is usually a sign of an allergy (IgE) as this is the body’s immune response. Severe inflammation in the body can be dangerous and if this has or does occur you should contact your medical practitioner.
Do you suspect your symptoms occur from an item you eat regularly?
Intolerances can occur to items that are part of your regular diet. Sometimes it is the body’s way of telling you that you are eating too much of a particular food group.
Do your symptoms appear to be from non-food items?
Both allergies and intolerances can occur from non-food items within your environment. If the reaction is more severe and fast acting it is more likely to be an allergy, if symptoms occur more slowly and are less severe it is more likely to be an intolerance.
Intolerance & sensitivity tests
Sensitivity and Intolerance tests from your home-to-lab. Simply send us a hair sample and we do the rest. Available in individual, couples or family test to save you more! Discover which test is for you?
Allergy tests
Raise IgE antibody analysis using blood-spot technology. Which allergy test is for you?